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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * A Surface is an interface to render methods inside {@link Ext.draw.Component}.
 * Most of the Surface methods are abstract and they have a concrete implementation
 * in {@link Ext.draw.engine.Vml VML} or {@link Ext.draw.engine.Svg SVG} engines.
 * A Surface contains methods to render {@link Ext.draw.Sprite sprites}, get bounding
 * boxes of sprites, add sprites to the canvas, initialize other graphic components, etc.
 * ## Adding sprites to surface
 * One of the most used methods for this class is the {@link #add} method, to add Sprites to
 * the surface. For example:
 *     drawComponent.surface.add({
 *         type: 'circle',
 *         fill: '#ffc',
 *         radius: 100,
 *         x: 100,
 *         y: 100
 *     });
 * The configuration object passed in the `add` method is the same as described in the
 * {@link Ext.draw.Sprite} class documentation.
 * Sprites can also be added to surface by setting their surface config at creation time:
 *     var sprite = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Sprite', {
 *         type: 'circle',
 *         fill: '#ff0',
 *         surface: drawComponent.surface,
 *         radius: 5
 *     });
 * In order to properly apply properties and render the sprite we have to
 * `show` the sprite setting the option `redraw` to `true`:
 *     sprite.show(true);
Ext.define('Ext.draw.Surface', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'

    requires: ['Ext.draw.CompositeSprite'],
    uses: ['Ext.draw.engine.Svg', 'Ext.draw.engine.Vml', 'Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter', 'Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter'],

    separatorRe: /[, ]+/,
    enginePriority: ['Svg', 'Vml'],

    statics: {
         * Creates and returns a new concrete Surface instance appropriate for the current environment.
         * @param {Object} config Initial configuration for the Surface instance
         * @param {String[]} enginePriority (Optional) order of implementations to use; the first one that is
         * available in the current environment will be used. Defaults to `['Svg', 'Vml']`.
         * @return {Object} The created Surface or false.
         * @static
        create: function(config, enginePriority) {
            enginePriority = enginePriority || this.prototype.enginePriority;

            var i = 0,
                len = enginePriority.length;

            for (; i < len; i++) {
                if (Ext.supports[enginePriority[i]]) {
                    return Ext.create('Ext.draw.engine.' + enginePriority[i], config);
            return false;
         * Exports a {@link Ext.draw.Surface surface} in a different format.
         * The surface may be exported to an SVG string, using the
         * {@link Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter}. It may also be exported
         * as an image using the {@link Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter ImageExporter}.
         * Note that this requires sending data to a remote server to process
         * the SVG into an image, see the {@link Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter} for
         * more details.
         * @param {Ext.draw.Surface} surface The surface to export.
         * @param {Object} [config] The configuration to be passed to the exporter.
         * See the export method for the appropriate exporter for the relevant
         * configuration options
         * @return {Object} See the return types for the appropriate exporter
         * @static
        save: function(surface, config) {
            config = config || {};
            var exportTypes = {
                    'image/png': 'Image',
                    'image/jpeg': 'Image',
                    'image/svg+xml': 'Svg'
                prefix = exportTypes[config.type] || 'Svg',
                exporter = Ext.draw.engine[prefix + 'Exporter'];           

            return exporter.generate(surface, config);

    /* End Definitions */

    // @private
    availableAttrs: {
        blur: 0,
        "clip-rect": "0 0 1e9 1e9",
        cursor: "default",
        cx: 0,
        cy: 0,
        'dominant-baseline': 'auto',
        fill: "none",
        "fill-opacity": 1,
        font: '10px "Arial"',
        "font-family": '"Arial"',
        "font-size": "10",
        "font-style": "normal",
        "font-weight": 400,
        gradient: "",
        height: 0,
        hidden: false,
        href: "http://sencha.com/",
        opacity: 1,
        path: "M0,0",
        radius: 0,
        rx: 0,
        ry: 0,
        scale: "1 1",
        src: "",
        stroke: "none",
        "stroke-dasharray": "",
        "stroke-linecap": "butt",
        "stroke-linejoin": "butt",
        "stroke-miterlimit": 0,
        "stroke-opacity": 1,
        "stroke-width": 1,
        target: "_blank",
        text: "",
        "text-anchor": "middle",
        title: "Ext Draw",
        width: 0,
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        zIndex: 0

     * @cfg {Number} height
     * The height of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).
     * @cfg {Number} width
     * The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).

    container: undefined,
    height: 352,
    width: 512,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,

     * @cfg {Ext.draw.Sprite[]} items
     * Array of sprites or sprite config objects to add initially to the surface.

     * @private Flag indicating that the surface implementation requires sprites to be maintained
     * in order of their zIndex. Impls that don't require this can set it to false.
    orderSpritesByZIndex: true,

     * Creates new Surface.
     * @param {Object} config (optional) Config object.
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;
        config = config || {};
        Ext.apply(me, config);

        me.domRef = Ext.getDoc().dom;

        me.customAttributes = {};

             * @event
             * Fires when a mousedown is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mouseup is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mouseover is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mouseout is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mousemove is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mouseenter is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a mouseleave is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a click is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.
             * @event
             * Fires when a dblclick is detected within the surface.
             * @param {Ext.EventObject} e An object encapsulating the DOM event.


        if (me.renderTo) {
            delete me.renderTo;

    // @private called to initialize components in the surface
    // this is dependent on the underlying implementation.
    initSurface: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private called to setup the surface to render an item
    //this is dependent on the underlying implementation.
    renderItem: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private
    renderItems: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private
    setViewBox: function (x, y, width, height) {
        if (isFinite(x) && isFinite(y) && isFinite(width) && isFinite(height)) {
            this.viewBox = {x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height};

     * Adds one or more CSS classes to the element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.addCls(sprite, 'x-visible');
     * @param {Object} sprite The sprite to add the class to.
     * @param {String/String[]} className The CSS class to add, or an array of classes
     * @method
    addCls: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Removes one or more CSS classes from the element.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.removeCls(sprite, 'x-visible');
     * @param {Object} sprite The sprite to remove the class from.
     * @param {String/String[]} className The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes
     * @method
    removeCls: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Sets CSS style attributes to an element.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.setStyle(sprite, {
     *         'cursor': 'pointer'
     *     });
     * @param {Object} sprite The sprite to add, or an array of classes to
     * @param {Object} styles An Object with CSS styles.
     * @method
    setStyle: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private
    initGradients: function() {
        if (this.hasOwnProperty('gradients')) {
            var gradients = this.gradients,
                fn = this.addGradient,
                g, gLen;

            if (gradients) {
                for (g = 0, gLen = gradients.length; g < gLen; g++) {
                    if (fn.call(this, gradients[g], g, gLen) === false) {

    // @private
    initItems: function() {
        var items = this.items;
        this.items = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite();
        this.items.autoDestroy = true;
        this.groups = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite();
        if (items) {

    // @private
    initBackground: function(config) {
        var me = this,
            width = me.width,
            height = me.height,
            gradientId, gradient;
        if (Ext.isString(config)) {
            config = {
                fill : config
        if (config) {
            if (config.gradient) {
                gradient = config.gradient;
                gradientId = gradient.id;
                me.background = me.add({
                    type: 'rect',
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    fill: 'url(#' + gradientId + ')',
                    zIndex: -1
            } else if (config.fill) {
                me.background = me.add({
                    type: 'rect',
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    fill: config.fill,
                    zIndex: -1
            } else if (config.image) {
                me.background = me.add({
                    type: 'image',
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    src: config.image,
                    zIndex: -1
            // prevent me.background to jeopardize me.items.getBBox
            me.background.bboxExcluded = true;

     * Sets the size of the surface. Accomodates the background (if any) to fit the new size too.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.setSize(500, 500);
     * This method is generally called when also setting the size of the draw Component.
     * @param {Number} w The new width of the canvas.
     * @param {Number} h The new height of the canvas.
    setSize: function(w, h) {

    // @private
    scrubAttrs: function(sprite) {
        var i,
            attrs = {},
            exclude = {},
            sattr = sprite.attr;
        for (i in sattr) {
            // Narrow down attributes to the main set
            if (this.translateAttrs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                // Translated attr
                attrs[this.translateAttrs[i]] = sattr[i];
                exclude[this.translateAttrs[i]] = true;
            else if (this.availableAttrs.hasOwnProperty(i) && !exclude[i]) {
                // Passtrhough attr
                attrs[i] = sattr[i];
        return attrs;

    // @private
    onClick: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('click', e);
    // @private
    onDblClick: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('dblclick', e);

    // @private
    onMouseUp: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('mouseup', e);

    // @private
    onMouseDown: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('mousedown', e);

    // @private
    onMouseOver: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('mouseover', e);

    // @private
    onMouseOut: function(e) {
        this.processEvent('mouseout', e);

    // @private
    onMouseMove: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent('mousemove', e);

    // @private
    onMouseEnter: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private
    onMouseLeave: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Adds a gradient definition to the Surface. Note that in some surface engines, adding
     * a gradient via this method will not take effect if the surface has already been rendered.
     * Therefore, it is preferred to pass the gradients as an item to the surface config, rather
     * than calling this method, especially if the surface is rendered immediately (e.g. due to
     * 'renderTo' in its config). For more information on how to create gradients in the Chart
     * configuration object please refer to {@link Ext.chart.Chart}.
     * The gradient object to be passed into this method is composed by:
     * - **id** - string - The unique name of the gradient.
     * - **angle** - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.
     * - **stops** - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects as values.
     * For example:
     *    drawComponent.surface.addGradient({
     *        id: 'gradientId',
     *        angle: 45,
     *        stops: {
     *            0: {
     *                color: '#555'
     *            },
     *            100: {
     *                color: '#ddd'
     *            }
     *        }
     *    });
     * @param {Object} gradient A gradient config.
     * @method
    addGradient: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Adds a Sprite to the surface. See {@link Ext.draw.Sprite} for the configuration object to be
     * passed into this method.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.add({
     *         type: 'circle',
     *         fill: '#ffc',
     *         radius: 100,
     *         x: 100,
     *         y: 100
     *     });
     * @param {Ext.draw.Sprite[]/Ext.draw.Sprite...} args One or more Sprite objects or configs.
     * @return {Ext.draw.Sprite[]/Ext.draw.Sprite} The sprites added.
    add: function() {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
            hasMultipleArgs = args.length > 1,
        if (hasMultipleArgs || Ext.isArray(args[0])) {
            items = hasMultipleArgs ? args : args[0];
            results = [];

            for (i = 0, ln = items.length; i < ln; i++) {
                item = items[i];
                item = this.add(item);

            return results;
        sprite = this.prepareItems(args[0], true)[0];
        return sprite;

     * @private
     * Inserts a given sprite into the correct position in the items collection, according to
     * its zIndex. It will be inserted at the end of an existing series of sprites with the same or
     * lower zIndex. By ensuring sprites are always ordered, this allows surface subclasses to render
     * the sprites in the correct order for proper z-index stacking.
     * @param {Ext.draw.Sprite} sprite
     * @return {Number} the sprite's new index in the list
    insertByZIndex: function(sprite) {
        var me = this,
            sprites = me.items.items,
            len = sprites.length,
            ceil = Math.ceil,
            zIndex = sprite.attr.zIndex,
            idx = len,
            high = idx - 1,
            low = 0,

        if (me.orderSpritesByZIndex && len && zIndex < sprites[high].attr.zIndex) {
            // Find the target index via a binary search for speed
            while (low <= high) {
                idx = ceil((low + high) / 2);
                otherZIndex = sprites[idx].attr.zIndex;
                if (otherZIndex > zIndex) {
                    high = idx - 1;
                else if (otherZIndex < zIndex) {
                    low = idx + 1;
                else {
            // Step forward to the end of a sequence of the same or lower z-index
            while (idx < len && sprites[idx].attr.zIndex <= zIndex) {

        me.items.insert(idx, sprite);
        return idx;

    onAdd: function(sprite) {
        var group = sprite.group,
            draggable = sprite.draggable,
            groups, ln, i;
        if (group) {
            groups = [].concat(group);
            ln = groups.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                group = groups[i];
            delete sprite.group;
        if (draggable) {

     * Removes a given sprite from the surface, optionally destroying the sprite in the process.
     * You can also call the sprite own `remove` method.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.remove(sprite);
     *     //or...
     *     sprite.remove();
     * @param {Ext.draw.Sprite} sprite
     * @param {Boolean} destroySprite
    remove: function(sprite, destroySprite) {
        if (sprite) {

            var groups = [].concat(this.groups.items),
                gLen   = groups.length,

            for (g = 0; g < gLen; g++) {

            if (destroySprite === true) {

     * Removes all sprites from the surface, optionally destroying the sprites in the process.
     * For example:
     *     drawComponent.surface.removeAll();
     * @param {Boolean} destroySprites Whether to destroy all sprites when removing them.
    removeAll: function(destroySprites) {
        var items = this.items.items,
            ln = items.length,
        for (i = ln - 1; i > -1; i--) {
            this.remove(items[i], destroySprites);

    onRemove: Ext.emptyFn,

    onDestroy: Ext.emptyFn,

     * @private Using the current viewBox property and the surface's width and height, calculate the
     * appropriate viewBoxShift that will be applied as a persistent transform to all sprites.
    applyViewBox: function() {
        var me = this,
            viewBox = me.viewBox,
            width = me.width || 1, // Avoid problems in division
            height = me.height || 1,
            viewBoxX, viewBoxY, viewBoxWidth, viewBoxHeight,
            relativeHeight, relativeWidth, size;

        if (viewBox && (width || height)) {
            viewBoxX = viewBox.x;
            viewBoxY = viewBox.y;
            viewBoxWidth = viewBox.width;
            viewBoxHeight = viewBox.height;
            relativeHeight = height / viewBoxHeight;
            relativeWidth = width / viewBoxWidth;
            size = Math.min(relativeWidth, relativeHeight);

            if (viewBoxWidth * size < width) {
                viewBoxX -= (width - viewBoxWidth * size) / 2 / size;
            if (viewBoxHeight * size < height) {
                viewBoxY -= (height - viewBoxHeight * size) / 2 / size;

            me.viewBoxShift = {
                dx: -viewBoxX,
                dy: -viewBoxY,
                scale: size
            if (me.background) {
                me.background.setAttributes(Ext.apply({}, {
                    x: viewBoxX,
                    y: viewBoxY,
                    width: width / size,
                    height: height / size
                }, { hidden: false }), true);
        } else {
            if (me.background && width && height) {
                me.background.setAttributes(Ext.apply({x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height}, { hidden: false }), true);

    getBBox: function (sprite, isWithoutTransform) {
        var realPath = this["getPath" + sprite.type](sprite);
        if (isWithoutTransform) {
            sprite.bbox.plain = sprite.bbox.plain || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(realPath);
            return sprite.bbox.plain;
        if (sprite.dirtyTransform) {
            this.applyTransformations(sprite, true);
        sprite.bbox.transform = sprite.bbox.transform || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(Ext.draw.Draw.mapPath(realPath, sprite.matrix));
        return sprite.bbox.transform;
    transformToViewBox: function (x, y) {
        if (this.viewBoxShift) {
            var me = this, shift = me.viewBoxShift;
            return [x / shift.scale - shift.dx, y / shift.scale - shift.dy];
        } else {
            return [x, y];

    // @private
    applyTransformations: function(sprite, onlyMatrix) {
        if (sprite.type == 'text') {
            // TODO: getTextBBox function always take matrix into account no matter whether `isWithoutTransform` is true. Fix that.
            sprite.bbox.transform = 0;
            this.transform(sprite, false);

        sprite.dirtyTransform = false;
        var me = this,
            attr = sprite.attr;

        if (attr.translation.x != null || attr.translation.y != null) {
        if (attr.scaling.x != null || attr.scaling.y != null) {
        if (attr.rotation.degrees != null) {
        sprite.bbox.transform = 0;
        this.transform(sprite, onlyMatrix);
        sprite.transformations = [];

    // @private
    rotate: function (sprite) {
        var bbox,
            deg = sprite.attr.rotation.degrees,
            centerX = sprite.attr.rotation.x,
            centerY = sprite.attr.rotation.y;
        if (!Ext.isNumber(centerX) || !Ext.isNumber(centerY)) {
            bbox = this.getBBox(sprite, true);
            centerX = !Ext.isNumber(centerX) ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : centerX;
            centerY = !Ext.isNumber(centerY) ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : centerY;
            type: "rotate",
            degrees: deg,
            x: centerX,
            y: centerY

    // @private
    translate: function(sprite) {
        var x = sprite.attr.translation.x || 0,
            y = sprite.attr.translation.y || 0;
            type: "translate",
            x: x,
            y: y

    // @private
    scale: function(sprite) {
        var bbox,
            x = sprite.attr.scaling.x || 1,
            y = sprite.attr.scaling.y || 1,
            centerX = sprite.attr.scaling.centerX,
            centerY = sprite.attr.scaling.centerY;

        if (!Ext.isNumber(centerX) || !Ext.isNumber(centerY)) {
            bbox = this.getBBox(sprite, true);
            centerX = !Ext.isNumber(centerX) ? bbox.x + bbox.width / 2 : centerX;
            centerY = !Ext.isNumber(centerY) ? bbox.y + bbox.height / 2 : centerY;
            type: "scale",
            x: x,
            y: y,
            centerX: centerX,
            centerY: centerY

    // @private
    rectPath: function (x, y, w, h, r) {
        if (r) {
            return [["M", x + r, y], ["l", w - r * 2, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r], ["l", 0, h - r * 2], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r], ["l", r * 2 - w, 0], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, -r], ["l", 0, r * 2 - h], ["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r], ["z"]];
        return [["M", x, y], ["l", w, 0], ["l", 0, h], ["l", -w, 0], ["z"]];

    // @private
    ellipsePath: function (x, y, rx, ry) {
        if (ry == null) {
            ry = rx;
        return [["M", x, y], ["m", 0, -ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * ry], ["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * ry], ["z"]];

    // @private
    getPathpath: function (el) {
        return el.attr.path;

    // @private
    getPathcircle: function (el) {
        var a = el.attr;
        return this.ellipsePath(a.x, a.y, a.radius, a.radius);

    // @private
    getPathellipse: function (el) {
        var a = el.attr;
        return this.ellipsePath(a.x, a.y,
                                a.radiusX || (a.width / 2) || 0,
                                a.radiusY || (a.height / 2) || 0);

    // @private
    getPathrect: function (el) {
        var a = el.attr;
        return this.rectPath(a.x || 0, a.y || 0, a.width || 0, a.height || 0, a.r || 0);

    // @private
    getPathimage: function (el) {
        var a = el.attr;
        return this.rectPath(a.x || 0, a.y || 0, a.width, a.height);

    // @private
    getPathtext: function (el) {
        var bbox = this.getBBoxText(el);
        return this.rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);

    createGroup: function(id) {
        var group = this.groups.get(id);
        if (!group) {
            group = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite({
                surface: this
            group.id = id || Ext.id(null, 'ext-surface-group-');
        return group;

     * Returns a new group or an existent group associated with the current surface.
     * The group returned is a {@link Ext.draw.CompositeSprite} group.
     * For example:
     *     var spriteGroup = drawComponent.surface.getGroup('someGroupId');
     * @param {String} id The unique identifier of the group.
     * @return {Object} The {@link Ext.draw.CompositeSprite}.
    getGroup: function(id) {
        var group;
        if (typeof id == "string") {
            group = this.groups.get(id);
            if (!group) {
                group = this.createGroup(id);
        } else {
            group = id;
        return group;

    // @private
    prepareItems: function(items, applyDefaults) {
        items = [].concat(items);
        // Make sure defaults are applied and item is initialized
        var item, i, ln;
        for (i = 0, ln = items.length; i < ln; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            if (!(item instanceof Ext.draw.Sprite)) {
                // Temporary, just take in configs...
                item.surface = this;
                items[i] = this.createItem(item);
            } else {
                item.surface = this;
        return items;

     * Changes the text in the sprite element. The sprite must be a `text` sprite.
     * This method can also be called from {@link Ext.draw.Sprite}.
     * For example:
     *     var spriteGroup = drawComponent.surface.setText(sprite, 'my new text');
     * @param {Object} sprite The Sprite to change the text.
     * @param {String} text The new text to be set.
     * @method
    setText: Ext.emptyFn,

    // @private Creates an item and appends it to the surface. Called
    // as an internal method when calling `add`.
    createItem: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Retrieves the id of this component.
     * Will autogenerate an id if one has not already been set.
    getId: function() {
        return this.id || (this.id = Ext.id(null, 'ext-surface-'));

     * Destroys the surface. This is done by removing all components from it and
     * also removing its reference to a DOM element.
     * For example:
     *      drawComponent.surface.destroy();
    destroy: function() {
        var me = this;
        delete me.domRef;
        if (me.background) {